Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why Everyone Needs a Great Blazer

Of course they are super hot in the fashion world right now, but it is important for people of all ages, shapes, sizes, and genders to own a great blazer.

Button down jacket with ruched sleeves
Penningtons - $49.99 (on sale)

A blazer that fits well will always give women a waist. Even when it seems impossible, it works! 

To the left is a jacket from Penningtons (a store for women size 14+, which is actually the average size for women so I strongly disagree that it should be called a plus size store, but that is a story for another day). This jacket is perfect for women that find it hard to define their waists. This jacket has three buttons right at the waist, and then the fabric flows with the curve from the waist to hip. 

Zara - $39.99

For extra petite women I would suggest a blazer with only one button at the waist, and that it hug the body for the entire length. I like this one from Zara right now (to the right) and it's on sale!

Velveteen Blazer
Zara - $49.99
The next blazer is for those in between women, maybe with lots of curves that often find it hard to find clothes that fit well. This blazer is also from Zara, and it comes in black and a tan-ish brown colour which is lovely. This jacket has two buttons so the waist is defined more than with a one button jacket. This is great for 'X' (hourglass), or triangle (pear) shapes.

Wash Effect Hound's Tooth Blazer
Zara - $109.99

Men just have so many more options then women do (blazer-wise that is). If you have a round mid-section I would suggest sticking to something more simple, with two buttons. I love this one from Zara (again, everything is on sale there!). This could also be great on a rectangular man.

Elastic Crossover Blazer
Zara - $109.99
On extra muscular, V shaped guys, I would recommend something that shows off your shape, that is fitted from shoulder to hip. This one, also from Zara, demonstrates that shape exactly.

Let me know how your blazer shopping goes! Good luck! 


1 comment:

  1. Agreed - everyone does need a great blazer! I think the most important thing is that is cinches your waist a little, I got a fabulous blazer from ASOS that does just this, might be worth exploring there too?

