Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Things You Should Never Wear. Ever.

This is my list of things that should never touch your body under any circumstance. If the only choices are either one of the following things, or being naked -- choose the nude. You will probably get the same number of stares but at least people will enjoy seeing you in the buff and not hate you for wearing one of these:

1. Hoove Heels

My friend Alison just HAD to make my eyes burn by sharing these with me... On top of how disgustingly nasty these are, I would also like to share that they cost £1,300. Really? I just don't get it....

2. Patterned. Mantyhose.

Need I say more?

3. The Visible Thong

No picture necessary as I'm sure this phrase brings up enough frightening mental pictures on its own.

4. The Scrunchie

As seen on Napoleon Dynamite and Sex and the City - the scrunchie is just a known fashion faux pas.

5. Pants Worn Below the Butt

I actually found a photo where people can be FINED for wearing their pants too low. I believe this should be enforced everywhere.

Now, if you ever see anyone committing these fashion indecencies you have the right to stop them and make a citizen's arrest. Keep this world eye-sore free!


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