Self-confidence, self-control, self-indulgence, self-worth, self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-actualization, self-awareness, self-discipline.
All of these selves are critical to to our image. How can you wear a party dress or a suit when your mind is in track pant mode? If the outfit doesn't match your mood, you're going to look off. To compensate you will keep applying make-up, put too much gel in your hair. What you really need to work on is yourself, and how you view yourself.
Take a look in the mirror. I seriously challenge everyone to ACTUALLY do follow through with this. Moving from bottom to top state out loud things that you love about yourself. Name even the smallest things, for example "I love that freckle on my thigh". Do not let your mind wander to to things you are not quite satisfied with. End the exercise with your face. I bet you will find a lot of things that you love about body and face.
Next make a mental list of your personality traits that you love. Think of all the nice things you have done for other people lately. It could be even the tiniest thing you think may have not mattered, but what if someone put the kettle on for you when you came into work? Wouldn't you appreciate the gesture.
Once you have done these physical and mental exercises, you should be able to recall the positive feelings that were felt more easily the next time you are having a "self-issue". Practice will help, and eventually you will learn to feel positively and accept your self at all times.
Imagine what this self-acceptance will do your image. You will glow! You will carry yourself with more confidence. Your clothes will look better on you, your hair will bounce, your eyes will sparkle. I bet you can't wait to get started... GO!
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